Look at the bathroom beside Ashley’s room, so that she cannot run into the bathroom.

Return back to the master bedroom, and next to the bed there is a table.Introduce yourself and then look near the laptop.

Brittney is in the room beside the one with Bunk Bed.Grab the yellow pencil, it is on the desk. Look for a blue door and inside you will see a Bunk Bed with a desk. Go to the end of the hallway towards the last room. Collect the yellow pencil from another room upstairs.Go to the bathroom, the first door on the left, and look for Madison’s phone near the sink. Go to the Master Bedroom, it is upstairs the first door on the right.The bathroom key is in the garage, look on the left shelf as you enter. Collect the mysterious key on the left of the Fireplace next to the white vase.What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?.You’re Madison’s sister? I never would have guessed.Introduce yourself to Ashley and choose the following conversation options.This will increase your friendship with Madison. Choose – “I think I’d like to get to know you a little better” > Ask for Bathroom and choose optional dialogue about Frank.Introduce yourself to Frank to unlock conversation with Madison.The House Party walkthrough is divided based on different characters and interaction results with them.